We also sell Michigan Lily, which is a taller flower tolerating wetter conditions than Wood Lily.
We are excited to offer the unique Wood Lily (Lilium philadelphicum), North America’s most wide-ranging lily. The loss of prairie habitat and overgrazing from white-tailed deer has decreased the prevalence of Wood Lily in the wild. Take advantage of this flower’s dry soil preference and plant in your dry woodland garden. Suitable for small planting areas and can handle some sun in an open meadow or prairie garden. Once established, this Lily is fairly low maintenance.
The upward facing flowers attract and help assist with pollination, in contrast to Michigan Lily’s pendant blossom shape.
Please note that Lilies are toxic to cats. They are also very attractive to deer and rabbits.
Our plants will be in their second year of growth in spring 2025. Since this species is slow growing and can take 3-4 years to bloom it may take a few years to see blooms, but this could occur sooner with optimal growing conditions.